
Milvus is an open-source vector database that has garnered significant attention in the fields of data science and machine learning. One of its standout features lies in its robust support for vector indexing and querying. Milvus employs state-of-the-art, cutting-edge algorithms to accelerate the search process, making it exceptionally efficient at retrieving similar vectors, even when handling extensive datasets.

Milvus’s popularity also comes from its ease of integration with popular Python-based frameworks such as PyTorch and TensorFlow, allowing for seamless inclusion in existing machine learning workflows.

In the e-commerce industry, Milvus is used in recommendation systems, which suggest products based on user preferences. In image and video analysis, it excels in tasks like object recognition, image similarity search, and content-based image retrieval. Additionally, it is commonly used in natural language processing for document clustering, semantic search, and question-answering systems.

Starting Milvus Store

From within the src/test/resources/ folder run:

docker-compose up

To clean the environment:

docker-compose down; rm -Rf ./volumes

Then connect to the vector store on http://localhost:19530 or for management http://localhost:9001 (user: minioadmin, pass: minioadmin)


If Docker complains about resources, then execute:

docker system prune --all --force --volumes